Monday, December 19, 2005


We have been hearing and debating for quite a while about Greece being the most racist and xenophobic country in Europe. The European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) that came up with this results posed a series of questions and statements. I thought it might be interesting to hear peoples answers to the questions rather than just the figures. CULTURAL DIVERSITY Read the following statements: It is better for a country if almost everyone share customs and traditions It is better for a country if there is a variety of different religions Which do you agree with and which do you disagree with? (You can agree or disagree with both) Please take the time to write a bit about why you respond in the way you chose. I am not interested in repeating the original survey, so this is open to people of all nationalities, anywhere in the world. I would like to hear what people really feel about these issues. Not just a series of statistics.

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At 12/20/2005 03:52:00 PM, Blogger Omni said...

I think it's important to have diversity, because without it people who are different are forced to change rather than being allowed to create, and new ideas, the life-blood of successful cultures, are discouraged.

(Click here if you dare)

At 12/20/2005 09:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is better for a country if almost everyone share customs and traditions

It is better for a country if there is a variety of different religions

This also brings to mind the question of how much, if any, distinction there is between religion and 'customs and traditions.'

Assuming there is no significant distinction intended, I would say that the correct answer, though I would prefer to be a moderate on this debate, is that it is better to share customs and traditions.

Religious diversity, while not automatically destined to cause strife in a country, has the potential to create great harm, partially as the result of the close connection people feel to their religion. There would exist reasons, at least to some people, for animosity, having to do with perceived sacrileges and religiously inspired discriminations, among other failings of mutual respect and tolerance that a person could, I suppose, name.

I do not oppose religious diversity, as I believe peoples' freedom in such matters surpass what might be the logically probable negative outcomes of not having a single and overwhelmingly popular religion. But I shall not be disingenuous; where accord in traditions and customs exist, the potential for societal harm is lower than in religiously diverse nations. What might come, though, is, as a result of less immersion in a diverse cultural setting, a weaker than what might be called normal level of tolerance, sympathy and understanding by the peoples of homologous soceties. Such peoples would have a cultural understanding deficit. That could affect foreign relations and peace negotiation a great deal.

But, within country, and putting the negative consequences pertaining to outward relations aside, I do feel soceties are inherently safer without diversity of religion, as religions contain within them elements, or peoples interpretations of them, that give people reasons to hate and abuse.

At 12/22/2005 10:45:00 AM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Welcome omni, thank you for coming and commenting. I will take a look at your blog after the christmas break.

Fergus, That is, seriously, no way to start a comment. I don't know who you are directing your swearing at, but do you honestly think that it helps the discussion? You are entitled to your opinion as others are entitled to theirs. There is no need for insults.

At 12/26/2005 04:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree both. People in the world should respect each other's choice of religion and lifestyle. Racist is ridiculous and miserable.

At 12/26/2005 07:51:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Hi sam, thanks for coming and commenting. I hope you will participate in future discussions.


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