Monday, November 21, 2005


A  place for people to post their various questions about blogger and blogging in general. Also for html hints and whatever other techie questions people might have. I will try and help if I can or anyone who knows the answers can post. I will make a permanent link to this page in the sidebar.

Technorati Tags: ,

At 11/21/2005 02:34:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

scruffy american wrote
"How do I get my blog more advertised so people will find it on the net if they search for stuff about Greece. And, what exactly is that adsense stuff. Can you really make money off that or is it a scam?"

I use a programme called ecto to create my posts. This had technorati "tags" built in. A tag is like a category that if people do a search for it your post comes up (eventually). Like all things on the internet it will take a long time to get noticed. On average about six months. You have already built a few readers from commenting on other people's blogs. That is a good way to go about building interest. If people like your comments (or don't like them for that mattter) they might click on your name and find your blog. I have found many great ones that way. Also, link to your blog "friends" in your sidebar. I use because it's easy (one click). Some people prefer to put url links in the template. You add these where you see "edit me" in your template. Copy/paste the google news link and insert your own urls.

If you visit those little logos in my sidebar under "listed on" you will arrive at some of the millions of sites where you can register your blog. I wouldn't do this just yet. Wait a month or so and then register when you have more content. I hate going to new sites registered there that have four posts on. It's up to you though. Choose carefully where you want your blog to be. It's no good putting a blog about cookery under politics. Obvious, I know but some people do it. That's part of the reason I say wait a while and see how your blog develops. You might end up writing about completely different things from what you are posting now.

As to adsense, yes some of the megablogs do make money from adsense. But you need to have a lot of hits per day to make real money. I would say in the thousands. There are arguments raging all over the blog world about whether advertising on sites is the right way to go and there are some people saying that advertisers are beginning to want to have a say in what gets posted. In the end, it's up to you of course. A fun little game to find out how much your blog is worth go here When I first tried it, after about a month of blogging it was about $25. Now my blog is worth $10,000 apparently! Yep, I wish I had that money in the bank. It's only a fun blog test but the reality is that you need to do a lot of blogging before you could consider making money.
Good luck with everything. I hope this is of use. Feel free to ask more questions right here.

At 11/22/2005 01:44:00 AM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

"Must get some more memory"
well you know as you get older, like me, (haha) the memory does go!! LOL.
What are you working with? I'm one of those glorious mac users. Can't praise macs enough so I won't bother.

Fake blogs. Yeah. Hate them. Why do people always have to destroy a good thing. I was playing Rune "something" today online. BUT there are all these people in there trying to destroy your experience. Like killing you before you even started!!!

I just don't get it. Blogging is wonderful. I get to meet so many intelligent and interesting people, and a myriad of people I wouldn't give the time of day to, to talk and argue and exchange ideas. Why destroy it?

At 11/22/2005 02:12:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Just go here and use that line of html, putting in your own url and the text you want to appear as clickable link.

At 11/26/2005 01:40:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Hi there, for italics
go here
and for a complete quick list for html go here

Hope this helps. With html, always be careful that you close tags at the end (the backslash part of the code). Otherwise blogger won't let you post your comment. Also some other blog engines don't let you use html.

At 11/29/2005 12:10:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Hi scruffy american,
Yes you can get notification. Go to settings, look under comments and at the bottom you can put the email address you want to use.
It's the only way to keep up with it all!

At 12/01/2005 11:09:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

You did mean recent COMMENTS didn't you? I used this for a while but in the end I didn't like the look of it.
Check it here

Check out the comments at the end for additions to the script. It's a bit tricky to set up so I would advise you to copy/paste your entire template into a text document in case you mess up. I back up my template everytime I fiddle with it, just in case!

If I find anything better I will let you know. Or if you find something send it to me?

At 12/02/2005 03:28:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

If I remember correctly you have to make at least one post before your blog will show. Go to your dashboard and post something and see what happens. If you have no luck, check your settings. On basic settings make sure "add you blog to our listings" is marked yes.
Let me know what happens.

At 1/07/2006 02:49:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

scruffy american, sorry I've been busy these last few days and I didn't get notification of you last comment! Not sure what happened. I think you worry too much about what people think of you.You have your views and you make them clear. I may not agree with everything you say but that doesn't mean I don't think you are a decent person. I do not mind arguing with people who are polite and respectful. It's the rude, obnoxious bullies I can't deal with. You are always welcome here and don't worry so much!
Take care. Happy blogging.

At 1/14/2006 10:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, I didn't think you'd mind my posting that in the forum, but I understand. I can't get into the blasted blog to fix the template to allow links.

Technical advice, triple check that you put in the right e-mail when you register for something.

At 1/15/2006 04:43:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Sorry eff but I haven't a clue what this comment is referring to?

At 1/16/2006 02:53:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put a link into the forum about a chatroom I set up. The thread I started to announce it was deleted. I assumed you had done it??

At 1/16/2006 03:02:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

No. It wasn't me! I think there's a problem with the forum itself. Feel free to post it again. Sorry about that. I will try and find out what the problem is.

At 1/16/2006 04:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. Well, it's back up then.

At 1/17/2006 04:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I provided the answer to your registration question.

At 1/18/2006 01:06:00 AM, Blogger WFG said...

I have access again.

At 1/21/2006 05:12:00 AM, Blogger WFG said...

Just reiterating that it's up and the registration is explained in the forum.

There's also a direct link to it in the forum as well as the blog itself, incase the embedded version is not working.

I hope many will take advantage of it and use it frequently. So, anyone inclined to advertise it is welcomed to. I would promote it more, but I do not want to overstep by mentioning it in places I have no relationship with.

At 2/05/2006 05:32:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Sorry kassandra that I did not reply to you earlier. I am having problems with my blogs comments at the moment. I went to your blog and see you have solved the blogroll question for yourself. Bravo. How do I find the time? I find myself in the strange situation of being a mum and without work for now. Being based at home I decided I wanted to be more than a housewife. Hate that word. Hence the blog. In truth, I would like to be doing something more than this but I am making the best of a difficult situation. I am glad to be doing something however small it might be.

At 2/05/2006 05:34:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

This is wierd. My last comment was in reply to kassandra who asked a couple of questions but her comment has disappeared. I hate blogger sometimes.

At 2/05/2006 08:58:00 PM, Blogger Kassandra said...

Hi well, "however small" is relative. I think you writing this blog is far more relevant to a lot more people than me going to work every day and plugging out english exercises for a crappy company, or many other jobs people have. As for the techical - actually I didn't solve the blogroll problem, i made it look like that manually, but since you though it was blogroll i'll assume it'll look the same once I've done it and take the plunge! thanks anyway!

At 2/06/2006 01:34:00 AM, Blogger Kassandra said...

Me again... well blogroll is up and running as well as a bunch of other things (I think I may have to quit my job to keep this up!) but I have another question: I have enabled post pages, which supposedly gives each blog its own individual page, right? But I see no reference to this on my main page, though the instructions say I should. I've read all the blogger help and am still mystified! But what I've understood is that it has something to do with permalinks (also mystifying). And some people have permalinks at the bottom of each post. So how do I get those?

At 2/06/2006 09:02:00 AM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Hi there kassandra, tham you for the kind words of support. Much appreciated. Your blogroll should look exactly the same as manual links. To make it easier to add links use "blogroll it" in your browser. Then when you are on any page (blog or website) you hit the button and a window will pop open with the URL in place. You then choose how that page will be displayed. There are a few issues with blogroll still. I can't get it to remember my preferences but there you go. These things happen. If you want a page to open in a new window just type _blank in the target box. Hope that helps.

The post pages function is the same as a permalink. It just gives each post it's own URL so you can link to past posts more easily. If you click on previous posts you will see only that page with it's own comments. Under formatting you can enable link field which I think is what you mean about the permalink appearing under the post? To be honest I don't know what use it is. I always link to people's posts via the unique URL. There is also backlinks which is fairly new and allows people to link to a particular page more easily supposedly. It is also another thing I don't bother with. Does this make sense? I hope so.

At 2/06/2006 08:54:00 PM, Blogger Kassandra said...

katalava!!! Thanks!


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