Tuesday, November 22, 2005


"For today’s teenagers here in Greece, the word “Albanian” is tantamount to a four-letter word. Both Greeks and Albanians agree on this, as was confirmed by a recent poll of students in the Grava schools in Galatsi and in other areas, such as Kypseli and Metaxourgeio" Kathimerini focuses on young peoples views on racism today in the features section. "When a foreign car driver caused the death of a Greek motorcyclist two years ago, young Greeks took to the roads at night and attacked any person of color whom they chanced upon. Journalists reported the incident with a discreet sympathy and understanding for the insurgent Greeks." See also the article on the exaggerated press focus on crimes committed by foreigners.

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At 11/22/2005 04:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I to fear for my life because of my colour?
Here I am back in Athens with a slightly heavy heart when I read all these things.

Good thing though I do have a choice to love somewhere else unlike the rest of the immigrants here.

At 11/22/2005 06:10:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Welcome back sha, (I really look forward to reading some more from you over at your blog) To answer your comment, I certainly don't think we need to live in fear for our lives but to be aware that problems that exist and try and address them where we can. In our personal lives and in the society we live in. I believe the dialogue about racism and xenophobia is opening up here in Greece. It is a relatively new issue here but I see many people, greek and foreign, discussing, debating and yes, soometimes arguing and disagreeing. just the fact that people are talking is a start.

At 11/23/2005 04:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The week of the Paris riot started I was at DEH office paying bills...
this guy behind me hissed into my ears..

the riots in paris are due to the foreigners.

OH my alitheia I gave him a real nasty look and said ORISTE.
I didnt have time to gather my thoughts. If I was not only in a hurry, man I could have started an arguement.

am still re adjusting to my taka taka, meta, avrio life..and for the fact I dont know how to shove people in the bus..not yet..
soon I will blog.

PS Have noticed lately that greek tv shows been having debates over RACISM AND THE FOREIGNERS .. but they seem to me all experts on the matter.

At 11/23/2005 04:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Athens is a crap place to be in when you are a filipineza!!!"

my sister just asked me if am really going to stay here for good thats her line above.
she has her share of racism too.

she is an english language grad with masters.

when she calls the frostitiria, they say oh come but then when they see her face... oh dear.
they start making excuses that they have hired somebody else.

At 11/24/2005 06:02:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Sorry everyone for not answering your comments on this post. I am reading them but I've got a horrible virus and have been laid up for a couple of days. Get your violins out now. just to respond to scruffy american and mike who wrote:
"I’m not sure if the anti-foreigner sentiment will apply (so much) to Brits/Americans"
I agree with Mike. I do think that although there is anti-american sentiment around it is not the same as the racism that is directed at foreigners with different colour skin. I have been racking my rather mushy brains to try and find a good way to explain what I mean. If you are white you, generally, have the luxury to never have to think about race and racism. You have that option. We "others" do not have that luxury. If you say to someone 'I am American" no-one will say to you "but where are you really from?" or "you don't look american" or as I have had to do (even on my own blog because I mentioned my colour), defend and justify my status as english or european. Racism can be a strange beast. It is hard to explain how we experience it. I would like to answer this in more detail but it will have to wait.

The 1st of December is Blog against Racism day. You have inspired me to try and write something on this subject. Thank you for bringing it up.

Hi sha, re: DEH idiot. Isn't that always the way? When confronted by these people, it is hard to come up with something on the spot. Perhaps you would like to write something for Blog against Racism day too?

Hi eff, the article said it was a traffic accident that resulted in the death of the Greek motorcylist. Another tragedy on the road. What followed, as you say, was irrational and despicable.
I must say I did laugh at your listing in, alphabetical order, your heritage. An interesting exercise maybe we could all do?

I hope I will be back in full swing soon.

At 11/24/2005 11:20:00 PM, Blogger The SeaWitch said...

Hey Diva! Glad to see you're feeling well enough to blog again. I was out of commission Sunday to Tuesday with some sort of flu thingy too. I don't mind missing work for being sick but I do mind not blogging. LOL

Scruffy is right about white people experiencing racism here as well. People's attitudes towards me change completely when they find out I'm Canadian and not Polish. And to compound the problem they'll even apologize to me for presuming I was Polish..as if being Polish is an insult. Sharing the same nationality as Copernicus, Chopin, and Mme. Curie suits me just fine. Too bad I'm not Polish, I'd be an EU citizen now.


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