Monday, January 16, 2006


From Kathimerini A new political party was officially formed in Greece yesterday with the sole purpose of representing the Roma or Gypsy community, claiming that it could garner more support than the Communist Party, which holds 12 seats in Parliament. Heads of Greece’s Gypsy communities announced the creation of the ASPIDA party at an Athenian hotel, saying that they wanted better representation in Parliament and at the local government level. ASPIDA said that there were around 600,000 Roma in Greece — double the amount of people who voted for the Communists in the last election. The party has chosen a logo which includes the colors of the three main parties in Greece: blue, green and red. Its president and candidates for local and mayoral elections, which are due in October, will be elected at ASPIDA’s next party conference.

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At 1/16/2006 05:25:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Scruffy american, I'd like to think I could but the answer is probably not. I have been asked to write about various people and issues and I am flattered that people wish to read what I have to say about them. However, I do not feel able or qualified to write about him or any other great or controversial people. I also wish to stay away from seeming to speak for black people in general. I didn't write HERE about the Paris riots, hurricane Katrina etc. I write in other places where I don't feel in danger of being attacked personally for my views. It just got too painful and emotionally exhausting. It's just what I need to do at the moment. I am writing another personal piece on race, though. Keep an eye out! I leave you with a quote from the Martin Luther King Jr: "Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true"

At 1/17/2006 09:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

zardoz says:
the words of the late mr KING
so true.
awaitng with patience your piece on race.

xmmm, new roma party ,,?
think they will fair better than the american indian..?


At 1/17/2006 08:13:00 PM, Blogger deviousdiva said...

Welcome Zardoz. A little more patience, I'm working on it!
Hey scarfalonius, I hope you understand why I took a step backwards, away from the bile. You were there! Thank you for your comment. Finally, I have decided that for all the disturbing reactions to me and my writing, it is more disturbing that I stopped. More later...


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